Our Instructors

Alex Mazari - Managing Director

My journey into Yoga and well-being came through my own internal struggles. It started with meditation, and reading books on yoga philosophy which really resonated with me and led me to understand that my mental health is in my own hands and could be balanced through using the tools and practices mentioned in the philosophical yogic texts. I then started practicing Yogasana (the postures) which prepares the body physically and energetically for meditation.

Through researching into everything Yoga and meditation I then found Reiki so spent a few months educating myself on Reiki and the subtle energy body.

The next step for me was completing my level 1 and 2 Reiki over the course of a few months, this opened me up spiritually and deepened my understanding of the subtle energy body.

I then purchased the Bio-Well which is a device used to measure the subtle energy body. Using this on myself to measure my own field I then tested some of the different breathing techniques and meditations I practiced, this showed me visually how we can positively influence our energy body at will with certain practices.

The Bio-Well is used for my reiki sessions with clients so we can see how the effects of the Reiki affect the energy system over the course of a few sessions.

Realising I had a lot of past trauma, and understanding how trauma affects our nervous system and subtle energy body, I knew of a local therapist who had just learnt a technique called EFT (Emotional Freedom Technique). EFT involves tapping on acupressure points which has a calming effect on the mind and the nervous system, this technique is then used whilst replaying a traumatic memory in the mind. I decided to go for some EFT therapy to process and overcome some of my trauma, the two sessions I had gave me complete resolution! It blew my mind, so I instantly booked on to a course so I could become a therapist in EFT and EFT Matrix Re-Imprinting.

Whilst on the course we worked on some of our traumas and I had a profound experience once again bringing me closure and resolution with certain past traumas.

After gaining my qualification I have been able to help myself through using EFT to calm my mind and nervous system. I have also been able to help lots of clients with varying traumas.

The next step on my journey was the most amazing month in the foothills of the Himalayan mountains in Rishikesh, North India to gain my 200hr Hatha Vinyasa and Ashtanga Yoga qualification. Being immersed in the Philosophy and practice of Yoga in the home of Yoga really solidified everything I had been learning up to this point and gave me the knowledge and confidence to start teaching a couple of months after my return home in May 2021.

I now have a beautiful space where I am able to share these wonderful tools and techniques to all that need them, as I personally know how powerful they are.

Email - theyogadenbuxton@gmail.com

Mobile - 07834872663

Noelle Riggott

Noelle qualified as an Iyengar yoga teacher in 2017. She teaches three general classes, as well as one in Tideswell and free Woodland Yoga in Grinlow woods in summer in conjunction with Buxton Civic Association.

Noelle worked as an occupational therapist in mental health services for 30 years and brings her profession’s philosophy of working alongside people to unlock their potential. Noelle’s coaching accreditation, and training in mindfulness techniques are part of her yoga teaching toolkit.

Everyone is welcome to Noelle’s classes: just arrive with an open mind, a sense of curiosity and a willingness to have a go and see what happens!

E: noelleriggott@gmail.com

T: 01298 871479

WhatsApp 07942210416

W: www.yamayogacoaching.com

Heidi Sherwood

Heidi has been an Iyengar yoga student for 23 years and first started teacher training in 2013. This was brought to an abrupt end following injuries sustained in a near fatal car accident in 2014. Through determination and tenacity, Heidi returned to teacher training in 2018 and qualified in 2020 and is now working towards level 2 of the Iyengar syllabus.

Heidi loves being able to extend her knowledge to teach a variety of students that range from the local football and cricket clubs to HGV drivers, Plumbers and office staff, her view is that we all benefit from doing something each day.

Heidi is a popular face in Buxton and has a very down to earth teaching style without losing the essence of Iyengar yoga.

Jax Palmer

I discovered Kundalini Yoga on my 50th birthday, when I went on a retreat and I have never stopped practising it since .

Having experienced the many benefits of Kundalini Yoga, I furthered my passion by completing my teacher training in 2021.

I continue to learn everyday how relevant this ancient technology is right now in an increasingly fast paced and stressful world.

Kundalini Yoga will help you achieve a sense of calm and inner stillness. The effects can be experienced from your very first session.

Yoga sessions with me are inclusive, being suitable for all bodies.

Each session incorporates breath, movement, mantra and meditation.

Natasha Lincoln

I'm Natasha - I'm a newly qualified yoga teacher. I live in Chapel en le Frith with my husband, two children and dog. I am passionate about wellbeing and curate my Yoga classes to relax, nourish and connect incorporating the 4 key elements of Yoga - Bhakti, Jnana, Raja and Karma.

David Swinhoe

As well as practising and teaching Iyengar yoga, Dave is also a doctor. Yoga has lots to offer all ages and Dave was first drawn to it from a martial arts background.

Since then Dave has discovered the mental and physical health benefits associated with practice and tries to promote this in his teaching. Above all, it can be fun!

E: djs.abbotside@gmail.com

Sam Fillingham

My journey in the charity sector began in 2011 when I founded PIP-UK Poland Syndrome Support and Network. Since then, I have become the

CEO of an international charity. PIP-UK is an organisation that was created by Sam, who used her experience and love for her son to raise awareness of Poland Syndrome, and create a community of people living with the syndrome. PIP-UK provides well-being and support services for

the Poland Syndrome community, a patient register, children's clinic at Birmingham Children's Hospital, and connection events.

Before my role at PIP-UK, I worked in the civil service. During this time, I discovered yoga nidra, which seamlessly wove itself into my life. A

remarkable force, it facilitated my transition from the shadows of work- related PTSD to the illumination of profound inner peace. My calling now

is to share the sacred tranquility I have discovered with you through my yoga nidra classes and help you with your charity or community.

Jenny Bones

Hi everyone,

I'm Jenny and I have recently qualified in Ashtanga vinyasa yoga. Ashtanga is a stronger practice that provides structure, it creates strength in the mind and body using ujjayi breath and connecting to our bandhas, while calming the mind and becoming aware of how your body feels in each asana. “The full ashtanga system practiced with devotion leads to freedom within one's heart” - Pattabhi Jois

I have been practicing this form of yoga for a few years now and I am still on the ever-moving path of learning and growing in my own practice, which led me to delving deeper and learning to teach an Ashtanga vinyasa class in India, which was an amazing experience. Yoga, to me, is all about connection to our inner awareness and quietening the external to become aware of your own internal voice and that deeper sense of peace we all long for, whether we know it or not.