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Yoga & The 5 Great Elements Workshops - Agni (Fire)

Over these five wonderfully, informative, regenerative and restoring half day workshops we will be exploring the 5 great elements or Pancha Mahabhuta.

Pancha mahabhuta is a Sanskrit term meaning “five great elements” and is used to describe the five great elements that are said to be present in everything in the universe, including in the human body. These elements are as follows:

Prithvi (Earth)

Jala (Water)

Agni (Fire)

Vayu (Air)

Akasha (Ether)


Each workshop will be tailored around an element as follows -  


Dates - 


Friday 20th September 11am - 3pm - Prithvi (Earth) - 

What to expect in this Earth Element session - 

The Earth element is the most dense of all the elements - it makes up the solid matter of the universe.

In our bodies, it represents the structures of bones, flesh and skin and gives us shape. It is related to the Root Chakra.

Together we will enjoy a grounding Yin Yoga session, a TEMPLESPA wellbeing experience to give tips and techniques to create a restful and mindful experience wherever you find yourself.

We will explore EFT techniques to balance and ground ourselves and finish the afternoon with a Yoga Nidra Meditation.


Friday 18th October 11am - 3pm - Jala (Water) - 

What to expect in this Water Element session - 

Connecting with the Yogic element of Water (Jal)

The Water element is soothing, cleansing and sustaining. In our bodies, the water element helps us connect to our emotions, It is related to the Sacral Chakra. 

Together we will enjoy a flowing Vinyasa Yoga session, a TEMPLESPA hydrating and soothing facial experience and explore gentle Pranayama techniques to promote flow and release in the body.

We will finish the afternoon with a Yoga Nidra Meditation.


Friday 29th November 11am - 3pm - Agni (Fire)

What to expect in this Fire Element session - 

Connecting with the Yogic element of Fire (Agni)

The Fire element represents heat, light digestion and transformation. In our bodies, the element fuels our confidence, sense of self and motivation. It is related to the Solar Plexus Chakra. 

Together we will enjoy an energising Hatha Yoga session, a TEMPLESPA Glow and Radiance facial experience and explore strong Pranayama techniques to ignite the fire within.

We will finish the afternoon with a Holy Fire Reiki Meditation.


Friday 6th December 11am - 3pm - Vayu (Air)

What to expect in this Air Element session - 

Connecting with the Yogic element of Air (Vayu) 

The element of Air represents all forms of motion. In our bodies, the element represents our circulation, breath, thoughts and movement. The Air element brings in loving and compassionate awareness, balance and love. It is related to the Heart Chakra. 

Together we will enjoy a beginners Aerial Yoga session, a TEMPLESPA Purifying and Balancing facial experience. 

We will explore EFT Tapping as a way of managing our self limiting thought patterns and finish the afternoon with a Yoga Nidra Meditation.


Friday 13th December 11am - 3pm - Akasha (Ether)

What to expect in this Ether Element session - 

Connecting with the Yogic element of Ether (Akasha) 

The Yogic element of Ether or Space is the most subtle of all elements. In the body it represents spaces of the body, including the space inside our cells. The element of ether brings in a sense of acceptance, truth and integrity. It is related to the Throat Chakra. 

Together we will enjoy an intermediate Aerial Yoga session, a TEMPLESPA hand massage, exploring the chakra points on the hand. 

We will explore deep breathwork and finish the afternoon with a Holy Fire Reiki Meditation.

Investment - £200 for the full 5 sessions

Single Session Drop in price - £44 (single session drop ins open up closer to the start date)

Suitable for beginners. Herbal teas and light snacks are included within the price. Please arrive 5 - 10 minutes before the session. All equipment is provided. Please wear comfortable gym/yoga clothing with a warm layer option.

20 October

SoundBath with Pantonal

6 December

Yoga & The 5 Great Elements Workshops - Vayu (Air)